Proficiency in a language also includes knowing how to share code.
You can’t get away with not knowing how to do this.
It is essential to climbing the engineering ladder.
Whether you’re publishing a private library for your team or an open source library on behalf of your company, knowing how to do so is an essential skill in TypeScript proficiency, and in any language for that matter.
Think about the code you use in your team today.
- Are there any utility functions, frameworks, or tools that might be worth sharing?
- Are there modules you find yourself copying between projects?
These are worthy candidates for published code!
But starting new TypeScript projects from scratch and taking it to deployment and distribution is a vast process filled with uncertainty.
- How do I set up a TypeScript project with industry best practices in mind?
- How do I distribute my code on npm and consume it in a production application?
- How do I start writing robust, well-tested systems with TypeScritp from the start?
These are questions that you’re probably asking yourself.
And if you’re not, I would be concern 😳
It’s one thing to migrate an existing project to TypeScript. It’s another thing to build cutting-edge TypeScript projects from zero.
And the vast majority of courses fail short and don’t go the full mile. They don’t teach you how to build a TypeScript project from scratch without templates or special bundlers, how to test your TypeScript code, publish your code, and how to consume it in an application.
In this module, the good news is that you will learn how to build a streak counter from scratch.
Along the way, you will gain practical experience working with fundamental TypeScript concepts, like:
- Interfaces
- parameter type annotations
- return type annotations
- type guard
- union types
- type predicates
- and more!
Once you are done developing, publishing, and consuming your Streak counter, you will have the confidence to lead initiatives across your team, whether that’s publishing utility functions, frameworks, or tools that might be worth sharing.
Are you ready?
We’re going streaking!